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:: Links ::


:: Hardware links include ::

Hobby Boards: source of 1-Wire hardware sensors and devices

AAG Electronica: source of 1-Wire sensors including weather station equipment

:: Software links include ::

Core applications source of Java information including the JRE download necessary for running the jHomenet server source of Java information and tutorials including the JRE and SDK necessary for running and developing the jHomenet server home page of the Mustang (Java 6.0) development (jHomenet server has been developed using both Java 5.0 and 6.0) home of the Eclipse platform, including the Eclipse IDE used for most of the jHomenet server development home of the Netbeans IDE, an excellent Eclipse competitor Apache Ant, a Java based build tool used for building the jHomenet suite of applications

Visual C# Beta: Microsoft Visual C# Beta development home (used to develop some of the jhomenet-util applications)



JGoodies: excellent Java libraries used to aid development of GUI forms, looks, and binding architecture

Quartz: impressive Java job scheduling library used to schedule hardware polling events

Hibernate: a powerful object/relational (O/R) persistence and query service used for storing information jHomenet information/data in a database

log4j: a logging tools used throughout the jHomenet suite of applications

Foxtrot: an easy and powerful API to use threads with the JavaTM Foundation Classes (JFC/Swing)

JFreeChart: an excellent free Java graphing library

Dallas Semiconductor: developer and maintainer of the 1-Wire technology including a 1-Wire Java library used for 1-Wire communication

X10: an X10 Java library developed by Jesse Peterson used for X10 communication



jHomeNet continuous build: I've set up a server running Hudson, an open source continuous build tool available from Sun. Please note that this server is running on one of my personal computers and may not be available from time to time.

:: Miscellaneous links ::

TINI: the TINI board from Dallas Semiconductor source for electronic hardware parts

:: Tools ::

Putty: an SSH command line tool

winscp375: a secure file transfer tool

JavaCOMM 2.0: Java COMM version 2.0